

The Brikyaat neighborhood of Midtown spans from Batavia Place NE to Fuller Ave NE between Fountain St and Fulton St. The Brikyaat is home to the Fulton Street Farmers Market, Fulton Street Cemetery, the East Fulton Business District, and the Houseman playground and basketball courts.

The Brikyaat’s diverse population is represented by the variety of businesses and restaurants along its southern border, Fulton St, which is home to Black Napkin Takeout, Little Africa Ethiopian restaurant, and Van’s Pastry, a “clean” Dutch bakery. There are also numerous other businesses, including automotive repair shops, antiques stores, and art galleries. Further east, visitors will find a Guatemalan store and bakery, the Fulton Street Farmers Market, and the Midtown Neighborhood Hub.

The Brikyaat’s short, predominately no-outlet and/or one way streets makes this section of the neighborhood an intimate place to live, with many neighbors spending time out on their porches and children playing in the street.

Historically, The Brikyaat was home to primarily Dutch Zeelandic immigrants, who were employed in great numbers at the brickyards formerly located just north of Fountain St. near Houseman Field. Thus, the neighborhood received its name, brikyaat being the Dutch word for brickyard. While times have changed, and the brickyards having been replaced with houses, this section of Midtown is still a thriving, urban neighborhood.