Coldbrook Creek


Coldbrook Creek is Midtown’s newest and northernmost neighborhood enclave. It is comprised of the area bounded by Michigan St. in the south, I-196 in the north, Fuller Ave. in the east, and College Ave. in the west. Prior to the construction of the highway, Coldbrook Creek was a part of the Highland Park Neighborhood Association.

The name of this area honors a physical attribute of northern portion of the Midtown neighborhood that has historical significance. Coldbrook Creek winds its way from Reeds Lake through East Grand Rapids and Grand Rapids before emptying into the Grand River. The creek flows through the section of Midtown located north of Michigan Street on its way to Highland Park and the Grand River.

In the early days of Midtown, Polish and Dutch children from The Brikyaat and Cegielnia played, fished, waded, and swam in Coldbrook Creek. Although the city diverted much of the creek underground in the 1920s, it still surfaces at Highland Park.

The neighborhood is a stable, strong community of residents and small businesses.